Sintese de efeitos fotograficos em computação de imagens




Photography, like other visual communication media, allows for manipulations that extend the repertoire of its expressive language, in order to surprise or mislead the viewer. These manipulations are often called "special effects". The production of synthetic images, using a computer, is a fairly recent visual communication medium subject to a sustained technological development, that may, with varying degrees of success, imitate the languages of more traditional media. The special effects techniques previously applied in those media may provide the Computer Graphics community with useful elements to broaden the expressive range available to them, not only through the imitation of other media as well as in the search for a characteristic visual identity for synthetic imaging. The present work discusses the inclusion of some classes of effects in an image computing system. We concentrate on in-camera special effects, which are obtained during film exposition. For this, we take advantage of techniques originally developed in the area of Realistic Image Synthesis, mainly the ones related to Stochastic Ray Tracing. We propose the adaptation of these techniques por producing special effects. Other kinds of image manipulation are done after exposition, by laboratory processes, composition and other post-processing techniques. The use of Digital Image Processing techniques to emulate those used by photographers and artists is also discussed. We believe this dissertation may contribute to lessen the scarcity of academic publications on the subject, despite the availability of special effects resources in commercially available implementations


fotografia computação grafica processamento de imagens

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