Sintese de vanilina a partir de derivados fenolicos da lignina




In the present work, 37 fungal strains isolated from the Una do Prelado river, at the Ecological Station Jureia-Itatins, were studied for their ability to synthesize vanillin from ferulic acid and eugenol. Some tests were done varying the substrates and using shaken or unshaken cultures. After selection based on the growth profile in medium containing several compounds and on the chromatograms obtained from the growth cultures, the strains that presented high values of vanillin production were numbers 755 (55,2 mg/L - test 7) and 1051 (27,1 mg/L - test 2). Vanillin production was quantified using HPLC employing a ZORBAX ODS column, reverse phase, and detection at 279 nm. The absorption spectrum UV was used to confirm the identity of the compounds. In 10 tests, 7 utilized ferulic acid and 3 utilized eugenol as the substrate. The tests involving eugenol did not show good results, although agreeing with results reported in recent I iterature. The activities of the ligninolytic enzymes were studied. The enzymes Lignin-peroxidase, Manganese-peroxidase and Veratryl alcool-oxidase affected negatively vanillin synthesis.


cromatografia liquida de alta eficiencia microorganismos fungos imperfeitos biotecnologia

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