Smile attractiveness of Class II subdivision malocclusion treatment protocols / Atratividade do sorriso nos diferentes protocolos de tratamento da classe II subdivisão




The objective of this study was to compare smile attractiveness between different treatment protocols of Class II subdivision malocclusion (1, 3 and 4-premolar extraction protocols) and verify the esthetic influence of buccal and posterior corridors on the smile attractiveness. The sample consisted of posed smile photographs obtained from 68 subjects, divided into 3 groups according to the treatment extraction protocol. Group 1, treated with 1 premolar extraction protocol included 20 subjects. Group 2, treated with 4 premolars extraction included 25 subjects. The 23 patients in group 3 were treated with 3 premolars extraction. The buccal and posterior corridors of each picture were measured in proportion to the smile width. To rate the posed smile photographs, panels of 70 orthodontists and 46 laypeople used a 10-point scale. Smile attractiveness and differences between the 3 groups and between the 2 panels of raters were subjected to Two-way ANOVA. To determine the relationship between raters gender and age and the esthetic scores Analysis of Covariance was used. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to determine the relationship of buccal and posterior corridors size to the esthetic score. The results showed that there were no significant differences in smile attractivenesss scores between the 3 groups and between orthodontists and laypeople. Also raters gender and age did not influence the esthetic score. The buccal and posterior corridors size did not influence the esthetic score. Besides that, buccal and posterior corridors size did not differ between the groups.


classe ii subdivisão smiling attractiveness sorriso atratividade class ii subdivision malocclusion

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