Sobre o tratamento Wentzer-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) aplicado as assimetrias geometricas da microscopia de tunelamento de eletrons (MTE)




Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is presented here as a direct result of the Schrodinger wave mechanics. A few experimental results are discussed, followed by examples of some theoretical efforts in the area of STM. A simple unidimensional model for the potential energy between ideal tunnel electrodes (tip and sample) is then developed. Treating the problem first as an infinite potential well, geometrical asymmetries of the tunnel electrodes is shown by the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin method (WKB) to reflect in the shape af the eigenfunctions. The WKB current is calculated as a function af the distance between the electrodes and further simplification of the formula renders a current expression in a more suibable form


microscopia de tunelamento de eletrons schrodinger mecanica ondulatoria equação de

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