Solidariedade e organização social : a luta do "Movimento de Ilhéus" pela gestão social do território no arquipélago em Porto Alegre


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis explores a field of study known as Social Management - by definition a public administration exerted by different social actors in public decision-making. The general objective of this thesis is to understand the process of construction of social organization in a territory from the analysis of the mediations that help or hinder the establishment of solidarity. The object of study are social organizations, in addition to the formal and functional perspective that characterizes an approach based on domination. From a theory based on the framework of maussian donation, we seek to answer a fundamental question: what elements constitute the social organization? Will see that solidarity is one of those elements that make the organization is, in fact, "social". The research that supports this thesis was carried out in the neighborhood Aquipélago in Porto Alegre. Given this, using a dialectical approach, it was discovered the practice of social administration from the actions that the community uses to achieve various purposes (redistribution, recognition, respect and autonomy). It does not is restricted to formal mechanisms, such as councils and representative bodies, much less is a simple networking of actors formally established or institutionalized social movements. She goes on to include informal resources, such as demonstrations, protests, symbolic actions, political contacts. Indeed, she overcomes the fragmentation of formal public spaces to represent something in motion, but settled on the basis of a territory. From the observation of local leaders, it was concluded that there is a social organization of territory in the Arquipélago, which called itself the Movimento dos Ilhéus. It happens from interpersonal relations and identification of some leaders who are oriented to the social management of the territory. These relationships is born a new form of solidarity that will sustain the organizational link. It goes beyond the closer bond among those considered close and oriented toward the transformation of structures of domination. She is at the same time, the relationship between individuals and political action (which takes place in different spheres or spaces). For its establishment it needs some kind of mediation. These mediations mean methods, means or measures denying the in-itself of the territory and trying to transform from a real project / program again. It would therefore not only the actions of mediating agents (governments, NGOs, businesses, social movements, formal, and more), but also their life experiences. We argue that the basis of a new kind of solidarity is to transform reality of the subjects, but this transformation does not hold in the isolated subject. It is necessary to construct an intersubjective reality from a network of significant relationships. This network is driven by the existence of public spaces for participation that lead to the construction of one (or more) collective purpose (s) from intersubjective relations. The thesis is that this process triggered by mediation which causes new conjunctions and new movements are born social organizations in the territory.


social management gestão social organização social social organization solidarity solidariedade territory

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