Sólidos arquimedianos e Cabri 3D: um estudo de truncaturas baseadas no renascimento




This research aims to revisit the mathematical object Archimedean Solids through their constructions on the environment of Dynamic Geometry Cabri 3D. Thus, the research question was: Can the mathematical object Solids Archimedean be rescued as the object of education for the Basic School using the environment as habitat Dynamic Geometry Cabri 3D? To investigate processes of construction for these solid, we resort to a bibliographic developed based on material already prepared, consisting of books and scientific articles. The theoretical framework was based on the Theory of Didactic Transposition to promote the relationship between the epistemological analysis and didactic analysis, while identifying characteristics that determine the survival of the Archimedean Solids mathematical object as the object of education, and the theory of Register of Representation Semiotics of Duval (1995), to identify and analyze the register mobilized for the construction of solid as well as highlight treatments and conversions made. The methodological choice for literature contributed to the achievement of the desired goal, since it allowed us to find a mathematical procedure performed by Renaissance to obtain Archimedean from cut edges of Platonic solids. The analysis of the constructions helped us realize that the only figural treatments are not sufficient for the construction of the Archimedean solids in Cabri 3D, it is necessary to mobilize a record discursive support for the cut-off points on Platonic solids can be found. Accordingly, we find that Cabri 3D was confirmed as a habitat for the study of Archimedean Solids, because recognized as an object all the knowledge that determine the existence of mathematical object as an object of education


archimedean solids sólidos arquimedianos cabri 3d registros de representação semiótica didatica -- matematica -- estudo e ensino register of representation semiotics cabri-geometre (programa de computador) matematica transposição didática didactic transposition

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