Some KpnI family members are associated with the Alu family in the human genome.


The structures of the termini and their flanking regions of two human KpnI family members were investigated. The two differed in length, but the starting sequence at one terminal (defined as the 5' terminal) was found to be common to both members. The Alu family sequence was found in the 5' flanking regions. The KpnI family sequence started several base-pairs downstream from the 3' end of the Alu family sequence. In both cases, the Alu family sequence was not flanked by the direct repeat sequence common to the Alu family. These two members showed no sequence homology in 3' terminal regions. Interestingly, the Alu family plus the KpnI family unit was found to be flanked by a direct repeat sequence of several base-pair length. Based on these findings, relationship between the Alu family and KpnI family is discussed.

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