Song books, leaflets and romances: the genre romance in the first half of the sixteenth century / Cancioneiros, folhetos e romanceiros: o gênero romance na primeira metade do século XVI




The first evidences we have about the romanticist literary asset are found in the written volumes dated from the middle of the fifteenth century, in which such texts are mere supplementary tools to the games of the courtesan poetics. However, in the sixteenth century the emancipation of the genre through an intense editorial activity was observed. For that matter, at least thirty two collections of songs and romances and over two hundred samples of chapbooks, holding more than one hundred fifty three varied hispanic ballads besides variants and lessons were printed. From the perspective of genetic, historical and philological view named by Pinto Correia, the purpose of this thesis is to study the criteria of selection and organization of the Hispanic ballads by the editors of the early sixteenth century and to reflect on how the volumes printed by them being either chapbooks or song books could contribute for the history of Hispanic ballads as a genre.


siglo de oro romances pliegos sueltos chapbooks martín núcio romanceiro song books cancioneiro martín núcio siglo de oro

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