Souls in flames : "The stories of the Rabi" under Martin Buber s thought / Almas em fogo : as "Historias do Rabi" sob o pensamento de Martin Buber




I intend to study the hassidic stories colected by Martin Buber on a book titled Die Erzählungen der Chassidim, under the principles of Buber s Dialogic Philosophy, mainly the principle-words I-Thou and I-It. As a cultural substract, I deal with the polish hassidic cultural environment on early 18th and late 19th centuries, in East and Middle Europe. This emphasis on Hassidism justified by the fact that this jewish "sect" has essentialy influenced Buber s philosophy on an ethic view on human and communitarian relationships. On this master thesis, I research the literary application of Buber s philosophy as a consequence of how the hassidic stories and its function on communitary life determinates interpersonal experience (essentially based on I-Thou relationship) and vice-versa: I mean, how these stories determinate interpersonal experiences and its relation to sacred experiences among the hassidim, after considering that hassidic stories and its.


hassidismo literariedade literarity hassidism intersubjectivity sacred intersubjetividade sagrado

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