Soybean canopy [Glycine max (L.), Merril photosynthetic pigments estimation by measns of spectral reflectance / Utilização da reflectância espectral para a estimativa de pigmentos fotossintéticos em dosséis de soja [Gycine Max (.L), Merril]




Photosynthetic pigments are essential for plant development, because they are responsible for the incident solar energy absorption used in photosynthesis. Individually quantifying these pigments in great extensions of agricultural crops has been made possible by hyperspectral remote sensing development and these information can be used to produce a more accurate vegetation physiologic state determination, species discrimination and productivity estimation. Pigments concentration can be determined through the use of reflectance indices which utilize narrow spectral bands in sum, reason or multiplication forms. The present work intends to establish the basis in hyperspectral remote sensing area and its relationships with agricultural cultures, supposing that with the usage of high spectral resolution remote sensing and taking into account the spectrally different soil influences it is possible to estimate photosynthetic pigment content in agricultural vegetable canopies. The present work also suggests the existence of important relations between spectral reflectance and the agricultural culture agronomic parameters with the following main objectives: (a)evaluation of spectral response by means of spectral indices: R750/R700, R750/R550, Ratio Analysis of Reflectance Spectra (RARS), Pigment Specific Simple Ratio (PSSR)e Pigment Specific Normalized Difference (PSND)and soybean culture vegetable components relationships; and (b)analysis of two spectrally different soils influence in soybean culture spectral behavior. Experimental methods, in vegetation house conditions, were used to verify basic assumptions and along its phenologic cycle the soybean culture [Glycine max (L.), Merril]was monitored with high resolution spectroradiometer. So considering the methods and the performed analysis it is possible to state some conclusions and recomendations taking into account that (a)although cultivated in vegetation house conditions the soybean plants grew as expected presenting dry matter accumulation and production due to an enough and efficient assimilatory system; (b)during the soybean canopy phenological cycle no soil influence was observed in the spectral response even using two specttral kinds of soils: the first one with low relfectance characteristic and the second one with high reflectance characteristic; (c)typical vegetation spectral response and relationships between these responses and pigment concentration started from V3 phenologic phase confirming these relations worth for further determinations of phenologic stage and characteristics like vigor, sanity and productivity from spectral images; (d)the greater reflectance of all collected spectra was found to be in the near infrared region around 740nm; e)the red edge position was determined around 700 nm; f)spectra characteristic curves changed according to soybean culture development phase and at initial and final phases a background soil influence was observed; (g)a significant relation between pigment content, the minimum red reflectance (Vmin)and the inflexion point (PI)was observed and it was also noted that the greater the Chlorophyll a concentration the lower the Vmin and the greater the PI the lower the total chlorophyll; (h)R750/R550 and R750/R700 ratios are important indices for Chlorophyll a and total chlorophyll determination and very effective when compared with NDVI (one of the vegetation remote sensing most used wide band indices); (i)RARS, PSND and PSSR narrow band indices analysis showed that PSSR is the better one for Chlorophyll a and b and Carotenoids determination; (j)when using the whole phenological cycle data the RARS indice is not efficient although it leads to good results when used in small parts of the cycle like the vegetative or the reproductive ones. This indice is also not efficient for Chlorophyll a and b and Carotonoids determination; (k)there is a relationship between PSND indice and chlorophyll a and b and no relationship between this indice and Carotenoids content; (l)At canopy level a reliable plant pigment content prediction can only be achieved from PSSR indice although this indice is not efficient for Carotenoids content determination.. So with this work it can be stated that photosynthetic pigment content measurements at canopy level can be performed by hyperspectral remote sensing in a reliable way through evaluated indices and others that can be generated and further studies should be carried out with these and other indices with evaluating purposes at canopy level either in laboratory as in field conditions using spectroradio.


dosséis pigmentos spectral reflectance fotossíntese canopies (vegetation) spectral resolution reflectância clorofila reflectância espectral chlorophylls soybeans soja resolução espectral reflectance agronomia photosynthesis pigments

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