Specification, design and implementation of a reuse repository




The software reuse subject has increased in importance, becoming a strategic tool for enterprises that aspire to a productivity boost, low costs and high quality of their products. Nevertheless, before obtaining the advantages relevant to reuse, it is necessary that we have useful mechanisms in a way to make storage, search, recovery and managing of reusable artifacts easier. In this context is where the idea of reuse repositories perfectly fits. A reuse repository can be understood as a prepared base for the storage and recovery of components. It can also be seen as a big facilitator which acts as a support to software engineers as well as other users in software development process for and with reuse. In the literature, several works that explore reuse repositories are available. However, the focus of these works is quite often related to matters of search and recovery of components and, time and again, important aspects of reuse repositories are not explored properly, for instance, their use to aid managers in the monitoring and reuse control in an organization. On the other hand, some questions brought up by companies that aim at building a reuse repository remain unanswered. Such questions usually include: which roles should a repository play in a reutilization context? What are the main requisites of a reuse repository? What are the existing practical alternatives? How can a reuse repository be designed? Fostered by these questions, this dissertation presents the specification, the project and implementation of a reuse repository based on the analysis of existing solutions as well as on a building practical experience of a reuse environment for software factories. In addition, the obtained results, setbacks found as well as future directions for research and development will be presented


repositÃrio de reuso software components reuso de software engenharia de software componentes de software reuse repository software reuse

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