Specificity and crossreactivity of idiotypes of murine antibodies induced by poly(Tyr,Glu)-poly(DLAla)-poly(Lys) and poly(Phe,Glu)-poly(DLAla)-poly(Lys)


Antibodies elicited against the two synthetic polypeptides, poly(Tyr,Glu)-poly(DLAla)-poly(Lys) [(T,G)-A-L] and poly(Phe,Glu)-poly(DLAla)-poly(Lys) [(Phe,G)-A-L], are crossreactive although the humoral responses to these immunogens are under different genetic controls. The fine specificity of the antibodies elicited by the two polypeptides was studied in the present work. Antisera against (Phe,G)-A-L bind both 125I-labeled (T,G)-A-L and iodinated modified (Phe,G)-A-L. However, while the binding to (T,G)-A-L could be inhibited completely with the two antigens, the binding to (Phe,G)-A-L was inhibited completely with (Phe,G)-A-L and only partially with (T,G)-A-L. The binding of 125I-labeled (T,G)-A-L to antisera against (T,G)-A-L was inhibted more efficiently by the homologous antigen than by (Phe,G)-A-L although both antigens completely inhibited the binding. (T,G)-A-L specific antibodies were purified on (T,G)-A-L immunoadsorbents from antisera of high and low responder mice to (T,G)-A-L immunized with (Phe,G)-A-L. (Phe,G)-A-L specific antibodies that did not bind (T,G)-A-L were isolated from the effluent of these columns. By use of anti-idiotypic antibodies of guinea pig against C3H.SW antibodies to (T,G)-A-L it was shown that (T,G)-A-L specific antibodies isolated from antisera against (Phe,G)-A-L of C3H.SW and C3H/DiSn mice possess part of the idiotypic determinants existing on antibodies of C3H.SW obtained by immunization with (T,G)-A-L. In contrast, antibodies to (Phe,G)-A-L that did not bind (T,G)-A-L did not share idiotypic determinants with C3H.SW antibody molecules against (T,G)-A-L. These results suggest that the B cell repertoire expressed by high and low responders to (T,G)-A-L after immunization with (Phe,G)-A-L is similar and represents only part of that of high responders immunized with (T,G)-A-L.

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