Steady-state photocarrier grating techique / Técnica de grade de fotoportadores em estado estacionário




In this work we present a new and simple technique to measure transport and kinetic properties in photoconductive insulator semiconductors. Important properties as diffusion length and mobility-lifetime product of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-SI:h) was determined. This technique is based on the effect of a steady-state photocarrier grating concentration in the semiconductor conductance created by laser light. It is possible to determine indirectly the transport and kinetic properties simply by measuring photoconductive in the presence of photocarrier grating under diferents condition. The a-SI:h is a reactive new semiconductor with an outstanding potenciality for applications. It is an excellent photoconductor material produced in thin-film forms. Nowadays it has been used in large scale in solar cells, big area photosensor and thin-¬film transistor. Although its production is simple, the formation process of the thin-films is complex and empirical. Therefore the value of the transport and kinetic properties of this material is essential as a reference of quality of the produced material.


fotoportadores amorphous silicon diffusion length comprimento de difusão solar cells photocarrier silício amorfo filmes finos thin films a-si:h células solares a-si:h

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