Structural polymorphism of the cytoskeleton: A model of linker-assisted filament aggregation


National Academy of Sciences


The phase behavior of charged rods in the presence of interrod linkers is studied theoretically as a model for the equilibrium behavior underlying the organization of actin filaments by linker proteins in the cytoskeleton. The presence of linkers in the solution modifies the effective interrod interaction and can lead to interfilament attraction. Depending on the composition and physical properties of the system, such as linker-binding energies, filaments will orient either perpendicular or parallel to each other, leading to network-like or bundled structures. We show that such a system can have one of three generic phase diagrams, one dominated by bundles, another by networks, and the third containing both bundle and network-like phases. The first two diagrams can be found over a wide range of interaction energies, whereas the third diagram occurs only for a narrow range. These results provide theoretical understanding of the classification of linker proteins as bundling proteins or crosslinking proteins. In addition, they suggest possible mechanisms by which the cell may control cytoskeletal morphology.

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