Study of the potencial of national and argentinean bentonites to obtasin organophilic bentonites in aqueous dispersion and semi-solid medium to be applied in polymer nanocomposite / Estudo do potencial de bentonitas nacionais e argentinas na obtenção de bentonitas organofilicas em dispersão aquosa e meio semi-solido visando a aplicação em nanocompositos polimericos




Seven bentonites were evaluated to verify the potential to obtain the organophilic clay. The characterization by X-ray diffraction to evaluate the basal spacings was made, as well as the characterization by swelling capacity test, in water and in xylene, to evaluate the hydrophilic and organophobic character, by X-ray dispersive energy to indentify the present elements, and by cations exchange capacity using the method of blue methylene adsorption. Only one bentonite didn t show potential to be organophilized and was rejected. The bentonites that showed potential to be organophilized, were treated with a quaternary ammonium salt by cation exchange in aqueous dispersion, the conventional methodology used, and by intercalation in semi-solid medium, as an alternative methodology. Subsequently, they were characterized by X-ray diffraction, to evaluate the intercalation of the organic cations, by the swelling capacity test, in water and in xylene, to evaluate the organophilic and hidrophobic acquired, by X-ray dispersive energy to identify the present elements. Furthermore, both sodium and organophilized bentonites were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis to evaluate the thermal stability and the tenor of organic cations incorporated, by scanning electronic microscopy to evaluate the morphology of the particles, and by measurement of specific area based on the adsorption of nitrogen. All bentonites acquired organophilic character. Nanocomposites with polypropylene as matrix and the organophilic bentonites obtained were prepared. After the processing, a characterization by X-ray diffraction and by transmission electronic microscopy to evaluate the dispersion of the organophilic bentonites in the polymeric matrix and the type of structure formed were made. Nanocomposites with exfoliated, or partially exfoliated and intercalated, and intercalated structures were obtained. The study shows a large potential of the bentonites in study in obtaining organophilic bentonites for polymeric nanocomposites, as well as the efficiency of the methodology of organophilization in semi-solid medium


bentonita clay popypropylene bentonite argila nanocomposite minerais de argila clay minerals polipropileno nanocompositos

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