Subjacências do imaginário nas histórias de vida de um grupo de idosos tabagistas institucionalizados




This work intends to analyze the imaginary of a group of elderly people who smoke and live in asylums identifying there motivation or not to quit smoking, considering the symbolic dimension of a possible re-organization of the asylum and in the improvement of the life quality of the elderly people institutionalized. This research was developed in an Institution of Long Permanence to Elderly ILP- of the Distrito Federal, integrated to the biggest research supported by CNPq/UCB. For this research, were collected the life history of 8 elderly people, 3 women and 5 men. The main points considered to analyze these people were there motivation to abandon smoking, the time of institutionalization and the desire of transformations in the asylum. Were registered the mnemonic punctuations of there past lives and considerations of there present life. The analysis was made based on the anthropologic theory of Gilbert Durand (1989), validate for Yves Durand (1988) with the creation of the test - AT 9, and with the present concepts of the studies of Ferrarotti (1983) and Bertaux (1997) about life stories. The mythical data informed that most elderly people heard, who smoke, presented imaginary with mythical structure, of non beat and accommodation. The senior citizens from this research identified the asylums place for them occupied, positively and negatively, with images brought from a home that does not exist anymore. The majority of seniors, even those ones who soften the badly of smoking to the health, demonstrated motivation to give up the addiction. The results found reflected the dissatisfaction of the group with the attention required in the asylum daily life, but in those seniors with the mythic imaginary, the actions does not follow this displeasure, while the elderly people with the synthetic imaginary, try out a reaction. Facing these results, can be verified that the (re) organization of the asylum is necessary and urgent. Considering the mythical data presented, at the end of this research, clues were let for the carry out of the campaign to inhibit tobacco in the institution and for the improvement in the quality life of the institutionalized seniors. For this, other ways of institutionalization were proposed.


histórias de vida idosos - uso do fumo; idosos - assistência em instituições; asilo para idosos - organização stories of life organização de asilos velhice asilada ciências da saúde imaginary smoking tabagismo imaginário old age asylums organization of asylums

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