Subprodutos do processamento industrial do babaçu para ovinos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Three experiments were performed in order to determine the nutritional value of by-products of industrial processing of babassu: farina endocarp I (FEI), flour endocarp II (FEII) and the babassu pie (TB). Each experiment consisted of three parts, digestibility and intake assessment, assay one, kinetic blood assay two, ingestive behavior, assay three. Twenty sheep were assigned to different by-products inclusions (zero, 7.5, 15, 22.5%) in completely randomized design with five replicates per treatment. There was a linear decrease in dry matter intake as a function of% / g BW / PM for FEI and FEII. However there was no difference, for the consumption of dry matter in g / animal% / g BW / PM for TB. There was an increase in consumption of NDF and ADF according to the inclusions. Cholesterol levels were affected by inclusion of the FEI. The inclusions did not change EIF mineral metabolism. There was a significant interaction for the blood parameters of total protein, with the addition of flour FEII. The analysis of metabolic profile shows that can be used to FEII diets in sheep. The levels of urea showed a linear decrease with the inclusion of TB in the babassu. The increasing inclusion of babassu TB caused biochemical changes in protein and energy and mineral. The different inclusions FEI did not cause changes in feeding behavior in the time in minutes. The efficiency of feeding, rumination and chewing, decreased linearly with the inclusions of the FEI and FEII. The characteristic of NDF in TB reduced the efficiency of mastication and rumination g/NDF/h


zootecnia teses. ovino alimentação e rações teses. babaçu na nutrição animal teses. nutrição animal teses. digestibilidade teses.

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