This thesis analyses the discourse of 5th year elementary school children about the error. The first part of the research establishes the theoretical foundations of the analysis. In confrontation with such a challenging relation between school, teacher, learner and text production, I discuss the theoretical principles that underlie the notions of Discourse Analysis, Applied Linguistics, Text Linguistics and Education. The second part presents the methodological procedures that sustain the subsequent analysis of the discourse corpus which is organized in two sections: In the first one I analyze what the learner considers an error, that is, I relate the learners language to the discourse memory. And, in a second moment, I seek to comprehend how the learner does the text revision, and how he perceives the error. The analysis allows us to conclude that the learners discourse memory is strongly affected by the notion of error that the traditional school has held the last decades. It must also been stated that the learner has the ability to assume an active role in the reading and text evaluation, thus, contributing not to simply reproduce school practices, but to introduce transformation in the practice. The analysis allows to comprehend the importance of the learner to participate in the text evaluation, because he shows the competencies to do this. The children show having a clear notion of the error, according to the rules and norms established, and, at the same time show the ability to notice the linguistic inadequacies, and to negotiate the meanings while involved in the practice of text evaluation. Of course, we have not made an exhaustive analysis, further investigations can be suggested. The analysis of the different areas here performed has produced the displacement of notions. The places where the dialogues have been performed, have produced new meanings. The conclusion tries to interweave the notions developed, synthesizing our findings


discurso discourse ensino fundamental elementary education linguistica aplicada erro error

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