Surgical aspects of pulmonary paragonimiasis


Pulmonary paragonimiasis is caused by the presence of the oriental lung fluke, Paragonimus westermani, within the lung parenchyma. The disease is indigenous to Korea. In a retrospective review of operative cases from 1972 through July 1979 at the National Medical Center in Seoul, Korea, eleven cases were analyzed. The mean age of the patients was 27 years, and all had a history of ingesting raw crustaceans. Diagnosis was based on history, positive skin test, and radiographic findings. The patients were treated with bithionil before undergoing surgery for severe pleural or pleuroparenchymal lung disease. There was one operative death. Long-term follow-up from 6 to 84 months indicated satisfactory results in ten patients. Our experience with this clinical entity forms the basis of this report.

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