Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Formação Profissional do Técnico em Agropecuária: novos caminhos em busca da ambientalização dos cursos. / Environmental sustainability and professional formation of the technician in agriculture and cattle breeding: new ways in search of environmentalization of the courses.




We aim at analyzing, with this work, the ways chosen by Colegio Tecnico da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (CTUR) and by Colegio Agricola Nilo Peçanha (CANP), connected to Universidade Federal Fluminense, for institutionalization of socio-environmental matters and how these choices have affected the formation of the technician in agriculture and cattle breeding. We aim to realize how these questions get into the quotidian of the formation of the technicians as well as how they get affected, which motivations affect this intersection and what difficulties are found by the elements involved in this processes. Our research had a qualitative characteristic and used documental analysis, interviews, participative observation and questionnaires as tools, as well as theoretical profound study about Science and Education, Environmental Education and Agricultural Education. The results show that both institutions are in a dynamic process of insertion of socio-environmental questions when forming the technician in agriculture and cattle breeding, what allows us to state that there is a moment of crisis, with the technicists thoughts, which are historically hegemonic, being put in doubts by a progressive behavior of education. The results also point out a greater possibility of permanence on transformations occurred at CTUR, due to registers on documents and answers of former students. We understand that what stimulates the insertion of socioenvironmental questions in both institutions is the desire to respond to social demands and that the greatest obstacles are the technicist guidance that still rules both schools and the formation of the educational community, which happened in a conventional production system and in the Liberal Technicist educational tendency at most.


formação profissional professional formation environmental education educacao educação ambiental technician in agriculture and cattle breeding. técnico em agropecuária.

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