Symbolism, the missing link: study of Science of Letters in sufism / Simbolismo, o elo perdido: estudo da Ciência das Letras no sufismo




In the modern occidental world, with rare exceptions that are located primarily in currents of Philosophy, Psychology, Mysticism and Physics, we face a confrontation between two opposite and apparently contradictory positions. On one side, the belief in a God which reigns the material world, but with whom this same world does not interact due to this Gods condition of absolute unattainability. On the other side, the rational conviction that the only scientifically acceptable facts are the ones that can be materially proved which, theoretically, denies the existence of a divine instance, confining it to the imaginary ground. This thesis proposes a recapture of the intermediary instances between the visible and the invisible worlds as a way to recuperate the integrity of contemporaneous mans thought. Thus this work is based in the study of the Science of Letters, the symbolic system adopted by Sufism (ta½awwuf) or Islamic esotericism, which converts the spiritual realities in symbols that are comprehensible for human beings, and also in the idea of an imaginal world, that shelters this passage.


sufismo traditional knowledge language mundo imaginal saberes tradicionais linguagem imaginal world simbolismo symbolism sufism

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