"Técnicas espectroscópicas aplicadas à análise da matéria orgânica do solo em pomares de citros sob adição de lodo de esgoto" / "Spectroscopic techniques applied to the soil organic matter determination in citrus cultivations under sewage sludge application"




The production of sewage sludge increases daily in treatment stations and definitive disposal is a problem to be resolved. One of the alternatives found to dispose such residues, with environmental and economic benefits, is agricultural recycling, owing to its organic composition and plant nutrients. The objective of the present work was to asses the effects of waste sludge addition to soil organic matter in an experiment of short duration. The samples used in this experiment were collected from Fazenda Retiro, a municipality of Monte Azul Paulista/SP, in an area that has citrus plantations. The experiment was composed of 5 treatments, reference soil and 4 sewage sludge doses. In addition to the 5 treatments, the forest soil (reference) and sewage sludge were also sampled. From these samples humic acids (HA) were extracted. The alterations that occurred in the HA structures were assessed regarding ratios of carbon, composition of functional groups, number of semiquinone-type free radicals and rate of humification. In natura soil was also assessed regarding carbon ratio and rate of humification of organic material (OM). Thus, techniques as elementary analysis, TOC and EPR spectroscopy, 13C RMN, FTIR, UV-Vis, Fluorescence and FIL were used. By means of elementary analysis results, it was possible to notice that there was no alteration in the HA structure after addition of sewage sludge, therefore, verifying through FTIR and 13C RMN spectra no significant differences observed for the different treatments. However, addition of sewage sludge in agricultural cultivated soils incorporated fresh OM, since when comparing the reference soil and the soil that received the highest dose of sludge, an increase of 75% is observed in the organic carbon of the soil. The HA of the sewage sludge has a very aliphatic characteristic and in its structure, a considerable quantity of semiquinone-type free radicals. It is observed that when added to the soil, it modifies the concentration of the number of semiquinone-type free radicals, without altering the HA functional groups of the soil. Therefore, in the studied system, addition of sewage sludge demonstrates that the number of semiquinone-type free radicals found in the soil is not proportional to the rate of OM humification of the soil. The results demonstrated that fluorescence spectroscopy in solution, as well as Laser-Induced fluorescence of whole soil, provided coherent data concerning the rate of OM humification. It was possible to observe reduction in the rate of humification in soils submitted to sewage sludge, in close approximation to the forest soil used as reference. The carbon concentration in the soil increased, even after interrupting application for 2 years, and humification degree of OM diminished, proving to be less than the forest soil used as reference. Thus, we can consider this type of management, when sewage sludge is used to condition soil, as appropriate from an environmental point of view, as well as from an agronomical one.


humic acid lodo de esgoto organic matter sewage sludge matéria orgânica ácido húmico

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