Tempo e espaço entre os Tupiniquim




Time and space among Tupiniquim presents the results of an anthropologícal research done among the lndians Tupiniquim of the coast North of Espírito Santo State, Brazil, among the years of 1998 and 1999.Your main objective is it of presenting a social and historical plot that took Tupiniquim to constitute an lndigenous Area starting from your social organization and of the space and territorial conception. The work grows starting fram the establishment of a group of social actors in the time and in the space, lndians and non lndians, that tum the definition of a specific territory - fruit of extensive negotiations, interpretations and political disputes -, search to interpret the feeling of it belongs and identity of Tupiniquim to a specific territory and it points the sense in that the temporality is built while social category


indios tupinikin espaço e tempo relações etnicas - aspectos politicos etnologia

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