Tendencia da morbi-mortalidade por doença respiratoria na população idosa : o impacto da vacinação contra influenza no Estado de São Paulo e região de Botucatu




During the last decades respiratory diseases OOve increased their importance in morbid mortality ofthe elderly Brazilian population. This study OOs aimed to analyze the tendency of mortality by respiratory infections among elderly people resident in the state of Sao Paulo and in the region of Botucatu - DIR XI, in the period of 1980 to 1998, by means of mortality coefficients. 1t also tried to verify the beOOvior of mortality by such diseases, between 1995 and 1998, in the same regions, using as indicator the ratio between the number of hospitalizations by respiratory diseases and the number of available beds in medical clinics, aiming to observe the impact of intervention by vaccination against influenza in the morbi-mortality.The historic series of coefficients was built with data ITom the Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde - SIM/SDS (System of Information on Mortality of the Ministry of Health) and ITom the Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - 1BGE (Foundation Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). The data regarding hospitalizations and the beds were obtained ITom the Sistema de Informações Hospitalares - S1H/SDS (System of Hospital Internships). The analyses of the tendency were made through polynomial regression models. Intervals of confidence for the medium response expected in the years subsequent to the intervention were calculated ITom the estimated models. Control diagrams were the instruments of ana1ysis for the impact of vaccination on morbidity afier vaccination, occurred ITom 1999 on. Standard coefficients of mortality by respiratory diseases went up for both sexes, in the state and in the Region between 1980 and 1998. As for morbidity in the state of Sao Paulo, the tendency was of increase, except for men between 60 and 69 years of age. In the region of Botucatu, despite the great oscillation of data, there was a decrease in morbidity especially among women. The analysis of the mortality coefficients after intervention revealed toot there was a tendency of decrease for both sexes, especially in the ages between 70 and 74. In the region of Botucatu in the year of2000, the coefficients for female elderly population were notably below the minimum expected. There was a decrease of morbidity between 1999 and 2001 for both sexes, especially in the months of greater circulation ofthe Influenza virus, suggesting a change in epidemiological behavior of the morbid mortality by respiratory diseases of the elderly population in the studied regions. In July 2001, the indicator of morbidity of the State was notably below the bottom limit ofthe control diagram. The analyzed data reveal the importance of respiratory diseases among elderly people and suggest toot the specific protection against influenza, through vaccination campaigns, has positively reflected in the state of Sao Paulo and region of Botucatu - DR XI. The study reveals the necessity of investments in actions of promotion, prevention and assistance for the health of this segment ofthe population. The evaluation ofthe tendencies and the use of control diagrams showed up appropriate to the monitoring of the respiratory infections in groups of risk


infecções respiratorias mortalidade indicadores de saude vigilancia epidemiologica

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