Teorema Central do Limite para o modelo O(N) de Heisenberg hierárquico na criticalidade e o papel do limite N ->infinito na dinâmica dos zeros de Lee-Yang / Central Limit Theorem for the hierarchical O(N) Heisenberg model at criticality and the role of the N ->infinity limit for the Lee-Yang zeros´s dynamics




In this work we stablish the Central Limit Theorem for the hierarchical O(N) Heisenberg model at criticality via partial differential equation in the limit N ->infinity. For simplicity we only treat the d = 4 case but the theorem is still valid for d >4. By studying a given partial differential equation (PDE) we determine for any d >2 the critical inverse temperature of the continuum hierarchical spherical model, and we show a connection between criticality and the fixed point of PDE. By means of a geometric analysis of the critical trajectory we obtain some informations about Lee-Yang zeros´s dynamics and distribution.


trajetória crítica mapeamento conforme zeros de lee-yang partial differential equations renormalization group equações a derivadas parciais grupo de renormalização conformal mapping critical trajectory lee-yang zeros

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