Teoria da Dependência Revisitada - um Balanço Crítico / Theory of Dependence, Revisited - a Critical Balance




The Dependency Theory emerges in the sixties to reevaluate Ecla's model and to offer an alternative to the interpretation of Latin America's social dynamics. Since it carries a more sophisticated analytical method, it has easily surpassed the stagnancy which had been embraced by the remnants of national development, and has become the more consistent criticism to the authoritarian development. This research intends to reconstruct the dependency criticism to the Brazilian economic model from 1964 to 1984, and to explain its problems in elaborating an alternative project for the Brazilian society. Was the Dependency Theory only an analytical method or did it contain an alternative development project to the authoritarian model? In this work, the main authors in the Dependency Theory make a critical review of their ideas, as well as their evaluations of the economic policies during the military period and their proposals.


teoria da dependência método analítico alternativo dificuldades para um projeto de desenvolvimento balanço da dependência

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