Teoria e história do jornalismo : desafios epistemológicos




It carries out a epistemological history of research in journalism at its possible interface with the historiography. The study of history and of jornalism have common characteristics in their research problems, because both one have as object the way how the events of reality are told under narrative format for reading of the public. The assignment unfertaken here puts in parallel two pathways that in their similarities and differences bring pertinent issues to the theoretical grounds of journalism. Besides, the possible contacts between the two areas make possible a definition of history of journalism that consolidates its relevance to the theories of journalism. Thus, the research seeks in the thesis in history of journalism of the post-graduate programs in comunication which strategies that researchers use to combine history and journalism. More specifically, how they employ theories and methodologies, often from other disciplines, to solve problems that arises from the objects of their researches.


jornalismo e editoracao jornalismo - história

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