Test case generation for space area systems using test criteria for finite state machines / Geração de casos de teste para sistemas da área espacial usando critérios de teste para máquinas de estados finitos




Test case generation based on Finite State Machines (FSM) has been addressed for quite some time. Model-Based Testing has drawn attention from researchers and practitioners in test area. Several test criteria have been proposed in the literature in order to validate systems built according to some modeling formal technique, for example, the FSM. Through MEF it is possible to derive execution paths, that is, to find test cases. However, there is still a lot to do on this aspect in order to effectively direct a test designer to choose a criterion among those most suitable criteria to generate test cases. Thus, the focus of this work is the design and develop Unique Input/Output (UIO), Distinguishing Sequence (DS) and Switch Cover, in order to incorporate them in two test environments Automatic Generation of Test Cases Based on Statecharts (GTSC) and WEB-PerformCharts within the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). Besides, a preliminary investigation of cost and efficiency of these criteria will be conducted based on an empirical analysis, showing which criteria can be more relevant. Embedded software on computers in scientific satellites will be used as case studies for analysis of cost and efficiency. Such software is under development in the Space and Atmospheric Sciences (CEA) Coordination at INPE.


testes de software sistemas críticos test case test criteria automatização critérios de teste casos de teste test software critical systems automated

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