The adult student and his representations about knowing and learning: an investigation in an ESP, English for Specific Purposes, context / O aluno adulto e suas representações acerca do saber e aprender: uma investigação em um contexto de ensino de inglês para fins específicos




This research was originally planned to investigate about a learning strategy training project developed by a language institute that offers in company ESP courses to adults in operational areas of the tourism industry. The project aimed at helping students develop metacognition and self-regulation. The data gathered consisted of questionnaires answered by 60 students before and after the project conduction. Indications about the repercussion of the project among the students and information that could help understand these students and their characteristics as learners were sought in the data analysis. Through quantitative data analysis, the researcher found an increase in the use of strategies, as well as a significant change in students self-evaluations, which indicated that the project had accomplished some positive results. Nevertheless, the open-ended questions brought even more relevant information about these learners, for they showed the different representations students have of what it is to learn and to know English. Due to the complexity of the subject-learner, the research uses the Theory of the Organizing Models of the Thought as a theoretical-methodological approach. The models found in the analysis indicate that learners motivation to study English carry the influence of their representations of what it is to learn English and how the learning process happens. The study analyzed their beliefs and values as well, hoping to contribute for a better understanding of these learners, their characteristics and their motivation to learn English. These representations are mainly linked to the schools role in the learning process or the repercussion of knowing a second language for professional performance. The concept of linguistic ability is present in both groups in different ways. The research hopes to contribute to the understanding of this adult learner, his/her characteristics and the motivational aspects that drive him/her to learn English.


ensino e aprendizagem de adultos representações e crenças em le valores adult teaching and learning motivação estratégias de aprendizagem english for specific purposes (esp) representations and beliefs in l2 learning strategies values inglês para fins específicos (esp) motivation

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