The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee ( A Socially Molded Evolution of the National Information System / Comitê gestor da internet no Brasil ( uma evolução do sistema de informação nacional moldada socialmente


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Internet is an important phenomenon for the development of information society in many aspects: social, economic, cultural and political apart of its Information and Communication Technology dimension. This study aims to add up some knowledge on the existing Internet studies, through the analysis of actors, agents and structures who have built the network which supports the national Internet governance, drawing the importance of their roles on the evolution of the Brazilian Information and Communication System. The case study utilised is the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (, narrated and analysed through Latour, Callon and Law academic studies about actor-network theory, and Giddens\ s theory of Structuration, inserted in a panoramic context, based on Pettigrew\ s contextualism in order to support the understanding of certain facts and events in time and space. Actor-Network theory provides conceptual elements to bring up the facts and events from its academic stage, which ended up with the development of Internet infrastructure and later on the creation of the Steering Committee. This theory allowed the inclusion of non-human actors such as academic backbones. The Structuration Theory is used to demonstrate the duality between members of the Steering Committee and the resources and policies of Brazilian Information and Communication System, and its recursiveness over the Internet governance. Pettigrew suggests encompass the internal and external context of the case, using a longitudinal and vertical analyse of Brazilian Internet development process, from the academic phase to the institutionalization of its governance, which evolution flowed fluidly, within the country and in international environment as well. This study was driven by the research question: what is the dimension of in regard to the development of Brazilian Internet governance and its effects on the development and use of the Internet within the country. Secondly was investigated: how the network was built, how it evolved and sustained over its history; and how articulated within the national and international organizations. The single case study adopts a sociological perspective of the Information System, epistemologically grounded in constructivism, with an interpretative approach. Based on interviews with people directly linked to the history of, data were triangulated with secondary information, collected from official documents and academic works. Brazilian Internet has four milestones: first, the development of infrastructure in the academic backbone period; second, the ministerial ordinance establishing the; third, was the transition from FHC to Lula, who amended the ordinance with a Presidential decree that empowered the committee to define the strategic guideline for national Internet development; and fourth, the process of digital convergence in progress worldwide. The multi-stakeholder governance is one factor that makes the Internet a success, bearing in mind that Internet has evolved and flourished during the ICT relaxation. Therefore, we can see a symbiosis between the Internet development and evolution of Brazilian information society, and a mutual relationship between Internet governance and the Information and Communication Technology liberalization movements.


gestão da informação comitê gestor da internet no brasil information management information society internet internet políticas públicas public policies sociedade da informação brazilian internet steering committee

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