The C-terminal Src Inhibitory Kinase (Csk)-mediated Tyrosine Phosphorylation Is a Novel Molecular Mechanism to Limit P2X3 Receptor Function in Mouse Sensory Neurons*


American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


On sensory neurons, sensitization of P2X3 receptors gated by extracellular ATP contributes to chronic pain. We explored the possibility that receptor sensitization may arise from down-regulation of an intracellular signal negatively controlling receptor function. In view of the structural modeling between the Src region phosphorylated by the C-terminal Src inhibitory kinase (Csk) and the intracellular C terminus domain of the P2X3 receptor, we investigated how Csk might regulate receptor activity. Using HEK cells and the in vitro kinase assay, we observed that Csk directly phosphorylated the tyrosine 393 residue of the P2X3 receptor and strongly inhibited receptor currents. On mouse trigeminal sensory neurons, the role of Csk was tightly controlled by the extracellular level of nerve growth factor, a known algogen. Furthermore, silencing endogenous Csk in HEK or trigeminal cells potentiated P2X3 receptor responses, confirming constitutive Csk-mediated inhibition. The present study provides the first demonstration of an original molecular mechanism responsible for negative control over P2X3 receptor function and outlines a potential new target for trigeminal pain suppression.

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