The community of medium and large mammals in fragments of Atlantic Forest in the environmental protected area of Campinas, São Paulo state / Comunidade de mamiferos de medio e grande porte em fragmentos de mata semidecidual da APA municipal de Campinas, SP




I evaluated the medium and large mammal community in 13 small fragments (1 to 12ha) and a control (220ha) in the Environmental Protected Area of Campinas, São Paulo state. The community was sampled using baited track stations (Pro s Choice and Canine Call bait) over a year (once each quarter) from July 2007 to June 2009, giving 15 to 170 track-station nights among the fragments and 665 track-station nights for all the remnants. Twenty species were recorded, varying from one to ten species per fragment, and eleven in the control. Most species was generalist and opportunist. Three exotic species (domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris; European hare, Lepus europaeus; and nutria, Myocastor coypus) were among those recorded. No correlation between richness and fragment size was found (rs = 0,083; p>0,05). No pattern in similarity was found among them. Although the smaller fragments had fewer species than the control, the species were often distinct. Large carnivores, top predators, were not sampled in the fragments interior by the track-stations and ocelot was the biggest carnivore registered. Opossums, domestic dog, nine-banded armadillo and crab-eating fox were the most abundant and frequent species in the community. As expected, the generalist species (except opossums) were negatively correlated with fragment area. Interactions between predator-prey and competitor abundances among those species were not detected. In conclusion, the mammal community was simplified and dominated by a few generalist species. The fragments seem representative of the last refuges to the community of the medium and large mammals


mammals mamifero iscas odoriferas atlantic forest forest fragmentation fragmentação florestal odor baits track stations

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