The competence management on one research and development organization : a study of case / A gestão de competências em uma empresa de pesquisa e desenvolvimento




The management of competence enables the increasing performance of the whole organization through identification and development of individual competencies. The aim of this work is to analyze the management of competence in a research and development organization. The bibliography review includes the evolution of the organizational changes, the human resource strategic management and the concepts of competence and performance. A case study is carried out at Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste, agricultural research center, located in São Carlos town, in order to enlarge the comprehension of the aspects related to the development of competences, the formulation of strategies and the performance evaluation. In the section of conclusions, the peculiarities, the favorable aspects and the limitations of the management competence are discussed


competências individuais organization competences avaliação de desempenho performance evaluation individual competencies gestão de competências company strategies competências organizacionais estratégias empresariais

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