The continued progression stoped with the exclusion s mechanisms? / A progressão continuada rompeu com mecanismos de exclusão?




This project analyses the selectivity, the school failure and the exclusion after the implementation of the continued progression in public schools in the state of São Paulo. To be situated on the perspective of historical dialectical materialism, his approach is qualitative and his methodology is the case study. Beyond the bibliographical research and of the analyses of official document about the continued progression in order the label it as a state government proposal, made the follow up for one school year, of two school groups of fourth grades in a public school in the city of Campinas intending to observe how that proposal has been stabilished in the every day school practices. The data was obtained through school documents of the students-subject of this research such documents were enrollment forms, pilot lists (list containing the names of the students, classes they belong to, reinforcement parallel classes and of vacation), class reports (lists containing students grades on each of subject each bimester), observation of differents moments of the school routine classes, parent meetings, break, reinforcement, teachers room and finally interviews recorded with students and teachers. The data analyses permit to assert that: 1) the way the Continued Progression proposal was stabilished it didnt stop with the mechanisms and process of selection, failure and exclusion in a way that the school kept their selective and excludent character; 2) the exclusion, which in the past was happening outside the school for the no access, repetition and desertion now happens with the child in the school ? for the little quality of the apprenticeship; 3) the exclusion mechanisms are deeply connected to the evaluation process and intensified, in the school, the production of inequalyties situations which, in analyses, contributes to keeping the social differences and inequalyties. So, we can affirm that the implementation of proposal has criated objectives conditions for wich the discussions about the purpose of education, the social role of the school, the school organization and culture, the pedagogical practices and the quality in education received new dimensions of analyse which may contribute historical for superation of the selective school and the construction of the school for all childrens.


evaluation exclusion continued progression progressão continuada exclusão avaliação

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