The Development and Organization of a New Medical School Library


Factors to consider in determining the type of new medical school library include geographical location, proximity of general library facilities, and financial support. The librarian should be directly responsible to the dean of the medical school, have faculty status, and be a member of the administrative council. Five professional librarians and five clerical workers plus part-time help are necessary to initiate a well-organized library. The basic collection for a medical research library will cost approximately $500,000, and an annual operating budget should be about $103,000. Selection of journal titles for subscription is the first major consideration; the second is the selection of basic, standard monographs. Immediate public service functions include meeting the needs of the new incoming faculty, aiding in the recruitment of faculty, and establishing good rapport with the local medical community. The librarian of a new medical school library must be a leader in every respect of medical librarianship.

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