The effect of intrinsic curvature on conformational properties of circular DNA.


Both thermal fluctuations and the intrinsic curvature of DNA contribute to conformations of the DNA axis. We looked for a way to estimate the relative contributions of these two components of the double-helix curvature for DNA with a typical sequence. We developed a model and Monte Carlo procedure to simulate the Boltzmann distribution of DNA conformations with a specific intrinsic curvature. Two steps were used to construct the equilibrium conformation of the model chain. We first specified the equilibrium DNA conformation at the base pair level of resolution, using a set of the equilibrium dinucleotide angles and DNA sequence. This conformation was then approximated by the conformation of the model chain consisting of a reduced number of longer, straight cylindrical segments. Each segment of the chain corresponded to a certain number of DNA base pairs. We simulated conformational properties of nicked circular DNA for different sets of equilibrium dinucleotide angles, different random DNA sequences, and lengths. Only random sequences of DNA generated with equal probability of appearance for all types of bases at any site of the sequence were used. The results showed that for a broad range of intrinsic curvature parameters, the radius of gyration of DNA circles should be nearly independent of DNA sequence for all DNA lengths studied. We found, however, a DNA properly that should strongly depend on DNA sequence if the double helix has essential intrinsic curvature. This property is the equilibrium distribution of the linking number for DNA circles that are 300-1000 bp in length. We found that a large fraction of the distributions corresponding to random DNA sequences should have two separate maxima. The physical nature of this unexpected effect is discussed. This finding opens new opportunities for joined experimental and theoretical studies of DNA intrinsic curvature.

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