The effects of the physical activity in the articular cartilage structure in the knee of ovariectomized rats / Efeitos da atividade física na estrutura da cartilagem articular de joelho de ratas ooforectomizadas




The incidence of osteoarthritis increase in women in the post-menopausal period. This condition is relationed with the estrogen deficiency. Otherwise, its being demonstrated that regular or moderate physical activity have beneficial effects on the skeletal system, in any condition, but especially in the menopause. Using Wistar rats, as an experimental model, the aims of this work are: a) to check if the ovariectomy produces alterations in the articular cartilage structure of the tibial proximal epiphysis and b) To check if aerobic physical exercises have effects on this alterations. To achieve these goals it was used 24 Wistar rats of 6 months of age, distributed in 3 groups of eight rats each: Control group- Rats with six months of age without ovariectomy and physical activity; GOS- Rats with six months of age with ovariectomy bilateral and without physical activity and, GOT- Rats with six months of age with ovariectomy bilateral and physical activity during 3 months. Al rats were euthanasied with 9 months of age. The results were obtained by using light microscopy to observe the histological sections stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin, and Picrosirius stain and the Scanning Electron Microscope. For light microscopy, were measured the thickness of cartilage, counted the number of chondrocytes, determined the volumes nuclei of chondrocytes and the density of volume of the collagens fibers. For the Scanning Electron Microscope, was analyzed the cartilage surface in the three groups. The data were statistically compared for the ANOVA and Tukey´s test. The results showed that there was an increase in the weight in the animals of GOS and of GOT. In relation to training, the animals of GOT obtained the best income in the TEMs. In relation to the thickness of the articular cartilage it was observed a decrease in the superficial layer of the medial condyle in the GOS and GOT. The number of chondrocytes was altered only in the GOS, that obtained an increase of the 34% on GC in the deep layer. The nuclear volume of chondrocytes in the superficial layer was higher in the GC than the GOS .The same occurred in the medium layer when the two tibial condyles, lateral and medial were assessed separately, but when the values of the epiphysial cartilage was considered as a whole, we found that the volume nuclei of chondrocytes in the GC was higher than the GOS and the GOT. For the collagen, the values of density of volume of the collagen fibers was higher in the GOS and in the GOT than the GC. The Scanning Electron microscopy showed the presence of degenerative lesions in both GOS and GOT. We can conclude that the depression levels of estrogen produced important changes in the tibial cartilage and that the physical activity doesnt have effects on these changes.


physical activity rat rato wistar cartilagem articular morphometry ooforectomia tíbia exercícios físicos oophorectomy articular cartilage morfometria

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