The exposure of United Kingdom miners to radon


Duggan, M.J., Soilleux, P.J., Strong, J.C., and Howell, D.M. (1970).Brit. J. industr. Med.,27, 106-109. The exposure of United Kingdom miners to radon. Airborne radon has been recognized as a probable cause of lung cancer since the epidemiological studies made in the mining communities of Schneeberg and Jachymov during the 1920s and 1930s. Uranium miners are generally exposed to high concentrations of radon, and the growth of the uranium mining industry in the past 20 years has therefore stimulated a great amount of work on the risk from inhalation of radon and its daughters. However, there is still no general agreement on either the physical measurements in which the maximum permissible concentration in air should be expressed or the numerical value of this concentration.

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