The expression of early primary gene proteins, fos and jun family proteins, in rat adrenal primary cultures treated with ACTH and FGF2. / Análise da expressão das proteínas dos genes de resposta primária, proteínas da família Fos e Jun, em culturas primárias de supra-renal de rato tratadas com ACTH e FGF2.




There are evidences that in vivo the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) displays an important role in the balance of proliferation and cellular death in the adrenal gland. The early response gene proteins, Fos and Jun family, are components of the transcription factor AP-1 that, depending on its composition, could be related with proliferation, differentiation or cellular death. In this work we have been used adrenocortex cells of rat primary cultures, to evaluate, by immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting, the effects of ACTH and FGF2, in the expression of c-Fos, FosB, Fra1, Fra2, c-Jun, JunB and JunD proteins, and in such wise as to predict the composition of AP1 complex. The results showed that ACTH and FGF2 treatments modify the expression pattern of these proteins, inducing consistent and expressive increase of JunB expression in the ACTH-treated cells, suggesting an AP1 composition with JunB/c-Fos or FosB. FGF2 treatments indicate the composition of c-Jun/c-Fos or FosB or Fra-2 complexes. These results are in agreement with the biological effects observed in rat adrenal primary culture treated with ACTH and FGF2, with inhibition and cellular proliferation.


ratos acth rats glândula adrenal animal (cultura) adrenal gland animal (culture) fgf2 transcription factor ap-1 acth fgf2 fator de transcrição ap-1

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