The FLP recombinase of the yeast 2-micron plasmid: characterization of its recombination site.


The minimal size of the recombination site required for efficient FLP recombinase-catalyzed recombination in vitro is no more than 28 base pairs, which includes parts of two 13-base-pair inverted repeats and all of an 8-base-pair spacer. The FLP recombinase cleaves the DNA at the boundaries of the spacer, becomes covalently linked to the spacer DNA via a 3' phosphate, and leaves a free 5' hydroxyl at the other end of the 8-base-pair spacer. The efficiency of recombination is reduced if the size of the spacer in a recombinant site is increased or decreased by 1 base pair, while the spacer in the second site is unaltered. Recombination between two sites with identical 1-base-pair additions or deletions in the spacer, however, is relatively unaffected. This result suggests that pairing of sequences in the spacer region is important in FLP-promoted recombination events. The sequence asymmetry utilized by the recombinase to determine the orientation of the site is located uniquely within the spacer region.

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