The influence of vasopressin on the arterioles and venules of skeletal muscle of the rat during systemic hypoxia.


1. In rats anaesthetized with Saffan, the spinotrapezius muscle was prepared for in vivo microscopy. Systemic hypoxia (breathing 8% O2 for 3 min) induced a fall in arterial pressure and tachycardia, together with constriction in some arterioles and venules of each section of the vascular tree and dilatation in others. 2. The vasopressin V1-receptor antagonist d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)-arginine vasopressin (20 mg kg-1 I.V.) preferentially attenuated constrictor responses induced by hypoxia in both arterioles and venules, but had no significant effect on the dilator responses. Analysis of responses in individual sections of the vascular tree suggested that the V1-receptor antagonist reduced hypoxia-induced constrictor responses in proximal arterioles (> 13 microns diameter) though not in terminal arterioles (< 13 microns), but reduced hypoxia-induced constrictor responses in both the proximal and distal venules (9-130 microns). 3. Infusion of vasopressin at 1.4, 2.8, 5.7 and 11.4 ng min-1 kg-1 i.v. for 3 min, expected to produce plasma concentrations within the range 28-228 pg ml-1, evoked rises in arterial pressure together with decreases in heart rate. There was also vasoconstriction in the proximal arterioles of spinotrapezius that was graded with vasopressin concentration (5-35% decrease in diameter). 4. Infusion of vasopressin at 1.4 mg min-1 kg-1 i.v. for 3 min with the intention of producing a plasma concentration likely to be reached or exceeded during 8% O2, evoked constriction of all proximal arterioles, though not of terminal arterioles, and constriction of all venous vessels. The magnitude of the constriction induced by vasopressin in vessels that dilated during hypoxia was just as great as in those that constricted during hypoxia. 5. We propose that vasopressin released during systemic hypoxia exerts a constrictor influence upon the proximal arterioles and all sections of the venous tree of skeletal muscle. In individual arterioles and venules the constrictor influence of vasopressin and catecholamines may be overcome by the influence of locally released vasodilator metabolites.

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