The judges powers to execute certain amount against solvent debtor / Os poderes do juiz na execução por quantia certa contra devedor solvente




This thesis has the objective to examine and understand the exercise of the judges power to execute certain amount against solvent debtor. The conscience grows each day that the State-judge, in the exercise of the part of the sovereignity that is given for him by the Federal Constitution, must grant jurisdicional provisions that result in effective and concrete answers in favor of that one who came to judgement. The jurisdicional person and the society do not accept formal and rhetorical answers, and lack of practical results from jurisditional organ. This relaxed attitude with the consequences of the jurisditional acts was particular to the Liberal State, but today it does not find support to the needy citizens necessities of protection. The demand of improvements of the effective instrument of the material right has provoked successive Reforms in the Civil Process Code, specially what concerns to the process of knowledge. The civil execution, particularly the execution for certain amount against solvent debtor, was not an object of so many Reforms, unless more recently with the publication of the Laws 11.232/2005 and 11.382/2006. Before or after the publication of these diplomas, it has tried to demonstrate that the judges powers have origin in constitutional standards, like those that guarantee to a citizen the qualified access to the Justice and in reasonable time, so that the jurisditional powers are not totally linked to the strict quadrants of the legal rules. With support in authorized doctrine we demonstrate that the repertoire which the judge uses in the service of his powers is much bigger than that one that was formelyconceived by Liberal State. Contemporarily, the judge uses the rules, the legal principles, the douctrine and the jurisprudence to decide appropriately, ensuring the efficacy of his pronouncements. We check that, if this idea is accepted, with certain tranquillity in the cognitive demands, the same thing does not take place in the execution for certain amount. In this the judges pronouncements are still too much linked to the classic liberal values, supported on own dogmas of the legal positivism, which tackle determined basic rights of the debtor like absolute obstacles to the effectiveness of the jurisdiction. However, the judge in the execution of certain amount against solvent debtor also has great freedom in order to exercise the powers that the legal system invests him aiming the approprately tutor the creditor basic rights. We analyse the concepts and the traces of the basic institutes of the Civil Processual Right, as well as those pertaining to civil execution, in the first thesis and the second one, since it is not possible to examine the exercise of the judges powers in the forced execution without understanding its structure and functionality. At the last stage of this thesis, we outline an attempt of systematizing the judges power at the execution for certain amount against solvent debtor, at the same time in which we analyse several examples like these powers can and must be practised in each phase in which the execution can be divided, from the analysis of the jurisprudence. We conclude that the exercise of the jurisditional powers in the execution for certain amount must be stimulated by the same efficiency with which they are practised in the cognitive actions


poderes execucao (direito) -- brasil juizes -- brasil judge juiz direito powers execution execução

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