The Martial´s epigrammatic palimpsest : intertextuality and creation of meanings in the work of the poet from Bilbilis / O palimpsesto epigramatico de Marcial : intertextualidade e geração de sentidos na obra do poeta de Bilbilis




Like any text, the epigrams of the Latin poet Martial (c. A.D. 38 – c. 104) are composed by the absorption and assimilation of other texts, with which they dialogue and to which they allude in very different ways and in very different mechanisms. When these allusions or intertexts incorporate into the Martial’s texts elements of form or content brought from the texts alluded, they create new meanings in the poet’s epigrams, so that reading grows richer and gripping. At the same time, the reading of the texts alluded – the models – is also enriched and influenced by the epigrams. In this thesis, we study the intertextual relationships between the Martial’s epigrams and the works of the Latin poets Catullus, Virgil and Ovid; then, we try to show how the poet from Bilbilis incorporated into his texts borrowed material from those authors and how that material enriches the reading of all texts involved with new meaning.


epigramas martial intertextuality epigrams literatura latina latin poetry poesia latina - historia e critica marcial - critica e interpretação intertextualidade latin literature

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