The medieval laws as communicational systems what manegeament the gender relations between the XII and XV centuries / Os forais medievais como sistemas comunicacionais gerenciadores das relações de gêneros entre os séculos XII e XV




The objective of this research is to uncover the meaning of the penalties that fall upon gender relations, expressed in Spains medieval laws between the XII and XV centuries. According to what we imagine, these laws, based on customary rights, along 350 years maintained their content intact, being modified only in small details, that is, the legal basis, derived from German law, was kept unaltered making the actions of men and women submitted to these laws settle into a routine. As it is known, during the Middle Ages the Iberian peninsula was ruled by the Muslims. Thus, between 711 and 1492 this region staged battles for political-cultural supremacy of many groups. From the XI century on, with the building of the Castile reign, Jews, Muslims and Christians intensified even more this intrinsic process that eventually ruined the Semitic peninsula world which yielded definitely in Spain in 1492 with the conquer of Granada by the catholic kings, Ferdinand and Isabella. According to what we imagine, from Alfonso VIII, in the XII century, to the catholic Kings, in the XV century, the Iberian peninsulas Christian reigns had a firm conquering intention and were supported by the Catholic church. These reigns created laws that, summed up with the Christian reconquests daily routine, put the Semitic world in profanity and sacrilege spheres. However, the achievement of this ideal was not constituted overnight. We endeavor to demonstrate that the forms of relationship inflicted by Christianity suffered resistance, otherwise there would not be penalties foreseen by law, and likewise such matters, latter on, would not be discussed in documents of the act-of-faith in the XV, XVI, XVII centuries until the overthrow of the inquisition trials in the XIX century. Our approach begins by describing and interpreting the object of this study from the broad historic context. We then propose to conduct a research whose motivations fall upon the recovering of expressions used in the documentation mentioned above, the literature of the period, and in clues left between the lines in studies conducted by other researchers. These clues enable the construction of a history of cultural meanings which is possible, can be interpretive and has quality, where boundaries are not limited to a linear and definite fact. Thus, this study has an interdisciplinary character, seeking a consistent and coherent dialog with history, anthropology and semiotic culture, since dealing with the documentations previously mentioned as communicational systems, we intend to broaden the horizons of communication sciences.


sistemas comunicacionais idade média - história historia antiga e medieval direito história medieval espanha law communicational systems medieval history spain

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