The nature, specificity and necessity of the politics category in Aristotles mature thought / Política, limite e mediania em Aristóteles




The purpose of this work is to determine the nature, specificity and necessity of the politics category in Aristotles mature thought, having as central axis the examination of his major works: Nichomachean Ethics, Constitution of Athens and Politics. To find, therefore, the historical nexus and ties that animate and link the Stagirites political ideology to the 4th-century BC Athenian reality, which strongly influenced the philosophers ideological démarche. The point is to establish the links that concretely motivated the philosopher of Stagira to find in Politics and in Ethics the instruments to moderate and impose limits to the Greek way of life (the political community) and to individuality, respectively. Thus, the Aristotelian political-ethical ideology rises from the unescapable challenges of a declining Greek polis, with its innate restrictions of scarce productive forces. Such a reflection finds in the Athenian decline the motivation for its birth, that is, the Stagirite is historically driven to respond to the great challenge of his time: to recompose, within a certain degree of possibility, the city-state balance lost through decades of internal and external wars. In this way, Politics and Ethics are understood as regulative mechanisms to settle conflicts and tensions in a singular moment of Greek public life, that is, in a polis about to lose its political autonomy to Philip and Alexander. In synthesis, the aim of the Stagirites political-ethical ideology is to intermediate relations, to limit and to equilibrate the community and its participant individual because, otherwise, the absence of limits would eventually impose (as it actually occurred) the dissolution of life in communitas.


aristóteles - 384-322 a.c.; aristotelismo; política aristotelism; aristotle - 384-322 b.c.; politics

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