The Ncl-1 Gene and Genetic Mosaics of Caenorhabditis Elegans


A ncl-1 mutation results in enlarged nucleoli, which can be detected in nearly all cells of living animals by Nomarski microscopy. Spontaneous mitotic loss of a ncl-1(+)-containing free duplication in an otherwise homozygous ncl-1 mutant animal results in mosaicism for ncl-1 expression, and the patterns of mosaicism lead us to conclude that ncl-1 acts cell autonomously. The probability of mitotic loss of the duplication sDp3 is approximately constant over many cell divisions. About 60% of the losses of sDp3 at the first embryonic cell division involve nondisjunction. Frequencies of mitotic loss of different ncl-1(+)-bearing free duplications varied over a 200-fold range. The frequencies of mitotic loss were enhanced by a chromosomal him-10 mutation. We have used ncl-1 as a cell autonomous marker in the mosaic analysis of dpy-1 and lin-37. The focus of action of dpy-1 is in hypodermis. A mutation in lin-37 combined with a mutation in another gene results in a synthetic multivulva phenotype. We show that lin-37 acts cell nonautonomously and propose that it plays a role, along with the previously studied gene lin-15, in the generation of an intercellular signal by hyp7 that represses vulval development.

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