The number of ribosomes on simian virus 40 late 16S mRNA is determined in part by the nucleotide sequence of its leader.


The size distributions of polyribosomes containing each of three simian virus 40 late 16S mRNA species that differ in nucleotide sequence only within their leaders were determined. The two 16S RNA species with shorter leaders were incorporated into polysomes that were both larger (on average) and narrower in size distribution than was the predominant wild-type 16S RNA. Therefore, the nucleotide sequence of the leader can influence the number of ribosomes present on the body of an mRNA molecule. We propose a model in which the excision from leaders of sizeable translatable regions permits more frequent utilization of internally located translation initiation signals, thereby enabling genes encoded within the bodies of polygenic mRNAs to be translated at higher rates. In addition, the data provide the first direct evidence that VP1 can, indeed, be synthesized in vivo from the species of 16S mRNA that also encodes the 61-amino acid leader protein.

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