The occurrence of dyspareunia among women: what happens with the sexual health? / A ocorrência de dispareunia entre mulheres: como fica a saúde sexual?




Pain is an unpleasant experience associated to tecidual lesion, particular to each individual because it is affected by several factors. Among the complains related to the sexual intercourse, dyspareunia and the suffering it causes, caught my attention because of the lack of interventions to solve or alleviate the problem, which motivated me to accomplish this study. In view of these considerations, this study aimed to understand conceptions held by women, users of the Women Service of the Health Center II in Cardoso, SP, Brazil, regarding dyspareunia and its consequences for sexual health. It also aimed to identify how they describe the pain related to the sexual intercourse; verify, among them, the presence of psychological events that can potentially trigger dyspareunia; understand how it interferes in their sexual practice; and verify whether the presence of pain interfered in the relationship with the partner and sexual pleasure. For achieving such objectives, qualitative methodology was used, with content analysis of interviews carried out with 16 women. From the thematic content technique, the following categories emerged: dyspareunia - a problem for the woman, dyspareunia and the development of sexuality; dyspareunia and sexuality: understanding psycho-socio-cultural factors and search for help, which were described in subcategories. It was observed that many of them submit to the sexual practice without desire and with pain, to satisfy the partner and to comply with their obligations as wives. Women showed lack of knowledge on pain etiology and some sought to relate it to some physical problem they were presenting at the moment. When they described the pain, they reported it mildly, as a bothering weak pain. When answering the McGill Pain Questionnaire, the terms chosen appointed to a pain of great intensity that generates intense suffering, which reinforces the possibility of disqualification of pain, as if its presence was normal and expected. The reports also demonstrated that non-organic factors, such as the education received and relationship with the partner, exerted strong influence in the development and maintenance of dyspareunia. Despite the experience of many years with dispaurenia, the women interviewed did not find ways of solving the problem, because when they managed to talk about with health professionals, they received misleading guidance and were not refereed to professionals specialized in the sexual thematic, which shows the lack of preparedness of health professionals and services to receive and assist this clientele.


dor dyspareunia pain dispareunia sexualidade sexuality

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