"The Otlet inflection point: a perspective on the origins of Documentation and the building of the Monographic Principle" / "O ponto de inflexão Otlet: uma visão sobre as origens da documentação e o processo de construção do princípio monográfico"




This essay approaches some of Paul Otlets contributions to the field of Information Science, such as the development of a classification system known as Universal Decimal Classification, wide utilization of emerging technologies, the establishment of cooperative networks and the elaboration on the concept of document. More specifically, it studies the Monographic Principle, which can be seen as the predecessor to hypertext. For such, it tries to recompose Paul Otlets thought, identifying the theoretical and methodological resources used by him in the construction of the Monographic Principle. It also focuses the exchanges he had with some of the Bibliographic Movements (originated in Europe between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th) representatives, which in turn collaborated on the development of the Monographic Principle concept. It is considered that Paul Otlets importance is fundamentally related to his project for the modernization of the processes for the treatment of information.


documentation monographic principle paul otlet princípio monográfico paul otlet documentação

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