The pedagogical practices of intervention written texts of Young and aduts students. / A intervenção didática em produções escritas de jovens e adultos.




So, this study aims to show that matching as the pedagogical practices of intervention in written texts of young an adult students in the classroom occurred; in what aspect that practices promote or no contribution important to the process learning-teaching of writing and the mother tongue as well; in what aspect the process of the intervention need to get better and as the formation process of teacher is by way indispensable for help the teacher in activities in classroom. I carried out the research use as basis theoretical-methodological the sociolinguistic variation and ethnographic. I carried out the investigation in one public primary school. These school I have observed one classe of second and third phase of the schooling of young and adult. During the research of field carried out interviews with teachers and analysis the notebook and written texts of students. The analyses of intervention of the teachers reveal that in the intervention the teacher of second phase to tend to identify and only to correct spelling errors. While pedagogical intervention the teacher of third phase beyond identify and to correct errors that type of intervention promote favorable condition to discuss and to work the language in use and style linguistics.


educacao intervenções nas produções scritas young and adult formation intervention in written texts spelling errors variação lingüística linguistcs variation formação erros ortográficos jovens e adultos

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